Event Series Holiday Friday Night Service Schedule

Holiday Schedule – No Friday Night Service

Calvary Assembly of God 4925 Providence Rd., Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Happy Holidays to you and your family. We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! We want to announce that we will not have Friday night services starting this Friday. Friday, November 24, 2023, through Friday, December 29, 2023. Please take the time to enjoy spending quality time with your […]

New Year’s Eve Service

Calvary Assembly of God 4925 Providence Rd., Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Let's come together at our New Year's celebration with praise and worship as we come into 2024! Time: 5:00-7:00 pm EST    

Event Series Empty Nesters

Empty Nesters

Dream Church Empty Nesters is a gathering for couples that have a empty nest, like going out to dinner or other schedule events. Great food, conversation and friends. Please come out with us and join the fun! Stephanie Arje and Dana Fuller are your contact and planners for this group. Contact: connect@iamdreamteam.com for more information.